
My favourite book

My favourite book is la Bella y la bestia. The main character is Bella . She is very beutiful. She has got long brown hair and green eyes. My favourite character is Bestia. He is like a monster but he is good. Then Bestia turns into a prince and Bella into a princess. They get married then. La Bella y la Bestia is a princess book .
 By Irune

My favourite book is Harry Potter and the chamber of the secrets. The book is an adventure book. My favourite character is Harry Potter.Harry Potter is very handsome. He is tall. He is got dark hair. He is wearing glasses. Harry Potter is very brave. Harry Potter fights vs Lord Voldemort. Harry saves Jenny.
By Diego

My favourite book is Pete Pan by J.M Barre. The type of book is a fairy tale .My favourite character is Peter Pan.  Peter Pan is strong because he fights Captain Hook in the island Neverland.

By Ariane

My favourite book is Peter Pan ,by J.M Barrye.The book is a children`s novel.My favourite characters is Peter Pan. He´s a boy, he can fly. He never grows. Peter Pan is one boy. His friends go to Neverland island and there they find Capitan Hook. By Aitzol

My favourite book is the hundred and one Dalmatians by Dodie Smith. My favourite character is Perdita. She is a Dalmatians dog. Dalmatians are beautiful. They’ve got black and white body. In the picture of my book, they’ve got black spots. In the middle of  the history is very sad but the end is very happy. Kruela stole the baby Dalmatians. But Perdita and Bongo rescued the baby Dalmatian.


My Favorite book is  Charlie and  Mr  Willi  Wonka by   Rohald   Dahl. The  book is a chidren´s   novel.  Willi Wonka is a boy. He´s  got a factory. He´s got some  helpers. Their names are  Lunpa Lunpa. Charlie is very  brave 
By UxueB